Sunday, March 25, 2007

Some Important Info

Hey guys (or maybe just Sam and Dan).

I had fun tonight at youth group. It was especially fun laughing with you all at dinner. Thanks Betsy for making dinner and Jodi for helping.

I also enjoyed listening to you guys speak about where you saw God this week. i think it is hard to focus and be aware of God's presence, but I think it gets easier the more you practice. So this week keep your senses tuned for seeing God work through His people and for Him to reveal himself in nature.

Next week we will grill out if it's nice. Show up on time so we can ride together to a park. I'm thinking about grilling some steaks or hamburgers or something. bring your Frisbees and other outdoor stuff. (It will probably snow now that we are hoping to picnic). If it is bad weather, we'll just grill at St. Andrew's.

Sunday after church, I'll be taking the girls out for lunch. Let me know if you can come. Otherwise, it will just be me and Betsy and Jodi and Mo.

I'm planning on raking Dell's dad's lawn on Tuesday April 3. We'll meet at St. Andrew's at 9:30 am and then go get the job done and bring in some mission trip coin. Bring your rakes and gloves if you have 'em. Your folks are welcome to come too. "The more the easier". He will be serving us lunch too.

Hope you all have a great week. I'll try to post later too.


Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Hey Every and Anybody.

I have decided to start a Blog for the youth of Grand Rapids Episcopal Churches. Most of you either go to St. Andrew's or St. Mark's but we have a few others who are in other places. I'll try to update this every few days with new info or probing discussion. I hope that many of you will feel comfy enough to comment or suggest new topics to write about.

I had a meeting tonight where we decided to for sure go to Chicago for a mission trip. Group Work Camps will be our host and will assist us in our work. We are going to have to really get crackin' to raise enough money to go, but we have some things in place. The dates will be
July 29-August4. I will need to start figuring out who can go and rounding up deposits. Call me with any questions or e-mail me.