Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Cedar Point

Hey guys. Here is important info about Cedar Point.

G.R.E.Y. (Youth Group) Trip to Cedar Point Oct. 27

The youth of St. Andrew’s and St. Mark’s will be going to Cedar Point ON Saturday Oct. 27. We will leave from St. Andrew’s at 5:30 AM sharp. We’ll spend the day in the park and then return at around 2 AM. To avoid pick-ups at 2 AM, we’ll sleep over at St. Andrew’s and then go to the Eucharist together. Students can get the early bird rate of $55 if they pay by Oct. 7. Others pay $75. This includes your ticket and transportation. (If you need a scholarship, let me know!) See Christian with questions. 458-4593


Anonymous said...

hey this be rosiee i hate cedar point and the rollar coasters are going to eat me alive. bye

journey of the discontent said...

Rosiee. you speel funnynee.

Anonymous said...

Hey there guys,
Cedar Point was a lot of fun. Wish some of you could have gone along too.