Thursday, September 27, 2007


These last few weeks in youth group we hace been discussing the reality of poverty. Here are some web sites that will hopefully open your eyes to the reality of poverty.,,menuPK:336998~

Monday, September 17, 2007

Youth Group Photos

The Youth Group as a Whole.

The Middle School Girls With There VCR.

The High School Girls With There Winning Mountain Bike.

The Proud High School Boys.

The Middle School Boys With There Rad BMX Bike.

Our Fearless Youth Director Doing His Thing.

Youth Group Summary

Sunday September 16
This past Sunday we met as a large group in the middle school room and discussed a strong topic, poverty. We touched on some of the more dramatic statistics. The one statistic that stuck out to me is more than 3 billion people live on 2 dollars a day or less. It's discouraging to think that half the world lives on such a little amount. When most of us can find 2 dollars in change in the couch or by the dryer. But as always there is hope. Next week we will talk about what we can do to help the poor. The last Sunday of the month we will be helping out at St. Marks preparing and cleaning up for the breakfast. I believe if we take things one step at a time and understand poverty we will be able to make a difference for the better.
" reflect God's love to all creation..."

Sunday, September 16, 2007

For all those who don't know me.

My name is Daniel Aubrey Flory. I was born and raised in Michigan. I attend Sparta Senior High School. My interest in the church has grown over my life time thanks to my parents and previous religious leaders. I'm a big fan of football and sports in general. I love to travel and see new things. I recently walked the bridge for the 50Th anniversary this labor day. My favorite sport to play is disc golf. For those of you who don't know what that is feel free to ask. I happen to have cut my thumb open well enough to get out of work that night and received 6 stitches Friday. Well if you have any more questions or anything of the like feel free to ask.
" reflect God's love to all creation..."
Daniel Flory

Our first youth group of the new school year.

Sunday September 9.
This past Sunday the youth group met to start off the new school year. I'll start off by saying this is, in my opinion, the funnest youth group to date. I was surprised by the number of new members to join the youth group. We started the evening off by a group discussion on the idea of seeing God in our every day lives. We proceeded to play a game called "Bigger or Better". The object of the game is to go around the neighborhood with a paper clip and you have to trade it for something bigger or better. We split up into four groups: middle school girls and boys and high school girls and boys. Each with their respective chaperons went out into the community to trade there paper clip. Each group came back to the church roughly 45 Min's later with there items in hand. The high school girls came back with a 21 speed mountain bike. The middle school boys rode in on there neon green and white bmx bike. The middle school girls strolled on back with a working VCR. But the high school boys not to be out done ran back cheering with there: 8' Mexican sign, old English long bow, assorted fire works, pine cone x-mas tree and a wreath wrapped in lights. How ever, do to some faulty judging, the high school boys were out done by the high school girls mountain bike. All in all this year promises a renewed faith in the lord and never ending memories.
" reflect God's love to all creation..."

Danel Flory

My (DanielFlory) Internship at St. Andrews

For the next 16 odd weeks I will be interning at St. Andrews Church. It's a requirement that I put in an average of 13.5 hours a week for my internship. So this means my responsibilities will vary greatly. Christian (our fearless youth director) has asked me to update and manage the GREY blog. I am excited to give this blog the extra swing it needs to get people interested in it. I have been given a few task so far by Father Mike. He has asked me to read in church and take acolyte classes. I will be updating my progress and activities as often as needed.
" reflect God's love in all creation..."

Daniel Flory
cell: (616) 295-4421
home: (616) 887-8073

Friday, September 14, 2007

Aware of God's Presence

I haven't updated this blog in a LOOOONG time. Dan Flory will be doing it from now on.
It was great to see all of you at church on Sunday. I wonder if many of you have tried to be aware of God this week. Looking back, try to remember times when you felt God or times you felt God working in your life. If you can think of anything, post a comment and we can all learn from your experience.
I have been reading a book on St. Benedict. I have noticed God moving in my life when I calm down and quiet myself. I am aware of God when I listen and look and try to see what God is doing.
I had a great conversation with my friend Matt on Friday night. I believe God was with us and we talked about some things that we both noticed in one each others lives.
Blessings on you all and may you notice God more today than you did yesterday.
Christian Baron