Friday, September 14, 2007

Aware of God's Presence

I haven't updated this blog in a LOOOONG time. Dan Flory will be doing it from now on.
It was great to see all of you at church on Sunday. I wonder if many of you have tried to be aware of God this week. Looking back, try to remember times when you felt God or times you felt God working in your life. If you can think of anything, post a comment and we can all learn from your experience.
I have been reading a book on St. Benedict. I have noticed God moving in my life when I calm down and quiet myself. I am aware of God when I listen and look and try to see what God is doing.
I had a great conversation with my friend Matt on Friday night. I believe God was with us and we talked about some things that we both noticed in one each others lives.
Blessings on you all and may you notice God more today than you did yesterday.
Christian Baron


Anonymous said...

hey christian or dan or whoever reads this. This is Sam. i was wondering if it's easy to make this blog compatible with RSS feed, cuz that would really help me keep current with everything GREY. i know next to nothing about how you can get RSSfeed on here, but if there's like a simple little option of something like: "RSS FEED oON oOFF" then please turn it on! I'll look into it too.
thank you bunches,

journey of the discontent said...

I'll give you an "RSS feed". I actually won't. I have no idea what that is. you are smarter than people.