Sunday, September 16, 2007

Our first youth group of the new school year.

Sunday September 9.
This past Sunday the youth group met to start off the new school year. I'll start off by saying this is, in my opinion, the funnest youth group to date. I was surprised by the number of new members to join the youth group. We started the evening off by a group discussion on the idea of seeing God in our every day lives. We proceeded to play a game called "Bigger or Better". The object of the game is to go around the neighborhood with a paper clip and you have to trade it for something bigger or better. We split up into four groups: middle school girls and boys and high school girls and boys. Each with their respective chaperons went out into the community to trade there paper clip. Each group came back to the church roughly 45 Min's later with there items in hand. The high school girls came back with a 21 speed mountain bike. The middle school boys rode in on there neon green and white bmx bike. The middle school girls strolled on back with a working VCR. But the high school boys not to be out done ran back cheering with there: 8' Mexican sign, old English long bow, assorted fire works, pine cone x-mas tree and a wreath wrapped in lights. How ever, do to some faulty judging, the high school boys were out done by the high school girls mountain bike. All in all this year promises a renewed faith in the lord and never ending memories.
" reflect God's love to all creation..."

Danel Flory


journey of the discontent said...

That was one sweet BMX bike. I think the middle school men should have won. I also enjoyed the contest.

Jodi said...

thanks for the *working* props Dan! It was key to our find.